Is vaping the “smarter” way to smoke?
This traveling exhibition examines what we know about e-cigarettes
Vapes: Marketing an Addiction tells three intertwining stories:
- the rise and fall of cigarette smoking and advertising in the 20th century
- the emergence of the e-cigarette in the 21st century and new marketing strategies
- the challenges of nicotine addiction and quitting
These stories connect with all of us–our families, our friends, and people in our community. What’s your story?
Vapes: Marketing an Addiction
The exhibition asks questions to begin a community conversation:
- Is vaping a “smarter” way to smoke?
- When will we know the long-term impact of e-cigarettes?
- How can I quit vaping and smoking?
Vapes: Marketing an Addiction strives to create a welcoming place to share personal experiences and provides space for visitors to contribute their stories and questions.
Three compact, free-standing modules display examples of vape products and advertisements, videos, photomurals, and an LED-lit infographic that educate visitors about e-cigarettes, marketing by the tobacco industry, and the challenge of addiction.
Travel of this exhibit across Kansasis made possible in part by Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
Vapes was developed and produced by Kauffman Museum with support from the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission, Butler Electric Cooperative, NMC Health, Newton Et Cetera Shop, and Flint Hills Design.
Exhibition Team
Andi Schmidt Andres, museum director
Coel Ediger, guest curator
David Kreider, museum technician
Rachel Pannabecker, editor
Austin Prouty, exhibit design and production assistant
Chuck Regier, senior exhibit designer
Michael Reinschmidt, original exhibit concept
Rebecca Schrag, graphic designer and content developer
27th and North Main St.
North Newton, KS 67117
Across from the main campus of
Bethel College
(316) 283-1612
Mailing address:
300 E. 27th Street
North Newton, KS, 67117-1716
Tue-Fri 9:30am-4:30pm
Sat-Sun 1:30pm-4:30pm
Closed Mondays and
Major Holidays