Watch, Listen, Learn 

Natural History from Home

Bird Bytes: Bird News from Kauffman Museum is meant to focus your mind on birds while sitting in your home and being safe. Hosted by Newtonian, Gregg Friesen, each episode focuses on a bird or bird theme.

Featured Episode: Episode 3 // Bird Songs

by Gregg Friesen | In this episode, Bird Bytes host, Gregg Friesen, explains how he has learned to identify bird songs and gives tips to recognize the songs of the Warbling Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow Warbler and the Eastern Towhee.

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Of Land & People Audio Stories

Audio stories enhance the interpretation of our exhibits by exploring ideas that bridge multiple themes or expand on the history of selected artifacts. Listen to audio stories to prepare for your visit or simply for pleasure! 

Featured Story: The Railroad

Different factors drove German-Russian Mennonites and Mexican Catholics to America in the mid-1800's. Learn how the Santa Fe Railroad acted as a pull factor for immigrants.

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About Kauffman Museum


Original People: The Cheyenne

Living off the Land

Home & Family

    Mennonite Life

    Immigrant People


    Grains, Energy, and Ecology

    Kauffman Museum Videos

    Get a quick introduction to Kauffman Museum in our 7.5 minute introductory video. Learn more about our design process or our traveling exhibits and watch curator interviews by exploring videos on our YouTube channel.

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    Each Friday, Kauffman Museum releases a feature on Instagram and Facebook of an artifact in the current special exhibition or from our permanent collection. Learn more about our collections from Kauffman Museum staff by following #ArtiFactFriday. 


    27th and North Main St.
    North Newton, KS 67117
    Across from the main campus of
    Bethel College


    (316) 283-1612
    Mailing address:
    300 E. 27th Street
    North Newton, KS, 67117-1716


    Tue-Fri  9:30am-4:30pm
    Sat-Sun 1:30pm-4:30pm
    Closed Mondays and
    Major Holidays