This is the about the exhibition page…
Counting In the Cold: Citizen Science & the Audubon Christmas Bird Count aims to increase awareness of, appreciation for, and conservation of our respective local bird populations. Exhibit visitors will engage with stories of people who count birds; get acquainted with some of their local winter birds; and be inspired to care about and act on behalf of the birds that visit and live in their communities. The exhibit will engage both the minds and the hearts of your visitors.
Exhibit visitors will learn:
- National Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count story, past, present and future;
- Significance of citizen/community science in tracking bird population trends as well as conservation of resident and neotropical migratory species;
- Stories of local birders and global experts;
- The natural history of a selection of winter birds, both rare and common;
- Local and national patterns of bird populations by species;
- How to become citizen scientists;
- How to engage in practices that conserve and protect bird species.
- A story of citizen scientists: The Halstead-Newton (Kan.) Christmas Bird count, from 1948 to today:
- The Ruth Sisters
- Dwight Platt
- Current participants
- Exploring the past, present and future of the Audubon Society’s National Christmas Bird Count, which will celebrate its sesquicentennial in 2025.
- Getting to know local birds – migratory and resident, rare and common – their natural history and patterns of change as indicated by Christmas Bird Count data.
- Understanding the impact of citizen/community science and engagement as it relates to global efforts to address climate change and bird species under threat.
The exhibit will also provide host institutions the opportunity to tell their own local Christmas Bird Count and citizen scientist stories.

27th and North Main St.
North Newton, KS 67117
Across from the main campus of
Bethel College
(316) 283-1612
Mailing address:
300 E. 27th Street
North Newton, KS, 67117-1716
Tue-Fri 9:30am-4:30pm
Sat-Sun 1:30pm-4:30pm
Closed Mondays and
Major Holidays