Can community scientists help save
the world?

A traveling exhibit exploring community science and the Audubon Christmas Bird Count that aims to increase awareness of, appreciation for, and conservation of our respective local bird populations. Exhibit visitors will engage with stories of people who count birds; get acquainted with some of their local winter birds; and be inspired to care about and act on behalf of the birds that visit and live in their communities. The exhibit will engage both the minds and the hearts of your visitors.

Exhibit visitors will:

  • Be introduced to the National Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count story, past, present and future;
  • Explore the significance of community science in tracking bird population trends as well as conservation of resident and neotropical migratory species;
  • Encounter stories of local birders and global experts;
  • Learn the natural history of a selection of winter birds, both rare and common;
  • Identify local and national patterns of bird populations by species;
  • Take the first step toward becoming community scientists;
  • Engage in practices that conserve and protect bird species.

A DAY WITH THE BIRDS – Multilingual and accessible interpretation for your visitors!

All interpretation in A Day With the Birds: Community Science & the Audubon Christmas Bird Count will be presented in both English and Spanish, and with current best practices for accessibility in mind. 


Development of this exhibit was made possible by generous support from the following granting agencies, friends of Kauffman Museum, and originating institutions:

Vel Teichroew Estate

Family & Friends
of Nada Voth


Andi Andres, museum director
Nathan Bartel, project managment and design
Lorna Harder, guest curator

David Kreider, museum technician
Austin Prouty, technical support
Chuck Regier, senior exhibit designer


27th and North Main St.
North Newton, KS 67117
Across from the main campus of
Bethel College


(316) 283-1612
Mailing address:
300 E. 27th Street
North Newton, KS, 67117-1716


Tue-Fri  9:30am-4:30pm
Sat-Sun 1:30pm-4:30pm
Closed Mondays and
Major Holidays