April 4 – July 30, 2020
Kauffman Museum, North Newton, KS
Have you ever wondered how objects get arranged in an exhibition? Why are some objects grouped together and others spread out across the gallery? Who makes these decisions, and why?
Museums are public spaces that reflect societal standards and aesthetic preferences of a given cultural society. Within museums, exhibition styles communicate insight into this as well. Meta offers a glimpse into four of the most influential and creative exhibition styles from years past: Cabinet of Curiosities, Salon Style, Partial Context, and White Cube.
From the Curators….

As senior Art History and Communication Arts students, we have co-curated Meta: an Exhibition about Exhibitions for our senior seminar project. Given that we are both interested in pursuing careers in the museum world, it has been a fabulous opportunity working closely with the design team and staff at Kauffman Museum to curate a relevant and well-done exhibition.
Special thanks goes to Museum Technician, David Kreider, who acted as our point person and offered endless support and guidance from years of experience with Kauffman Museum. Thanks to Curator of Exhibitions, Chuck Regier, and Exhibition Assistant, Rebecca Schrag, for aiding us in developing the aesthetics and graphic design elements within the exhibition; and thanks to Acting Director, Andi Schmidt Andres for helping us with the logistics of the public programming and promotion. Special thanks to museum volunteers, Rachel Pannabecker and Phil Koontz for their assistance in the project.
Lastly, great thanks to our advocate, supporter, professor, and advisor, Dr. Rachel Epp Buller for always being more than willing to offer her time and energy to help us accomplish our goals. It takes a village!
–Elizabeth Friesen Birky, Art History and Communications Major; Emma Girton, Art History Major and Communications Minor
In the News
Bethel College | “Students meet shut-down challenge with virtual senior show” As seniors across the country scramble to complete final projects under extraordinary circumstances, Emma Girton and Elizabeth Friesen Birky face one of the bigger challenges.
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Kauffman Museum Video | 20 Questions with Student Curator Emma Girton Learn more about Bethel College Art History major, Emma Girton.

27th and North Main St.
North Newton, KS 67117
Across from the main campus of
Bethel College
(316) 283-1612
Mailing address:
300 E. 27th Street
North Newton, KS, 67117-1716
Tue-Fri 9:30am-4:30pm
Sat-Sun 1:30pm-4:30pm
Closed Mondays and
Major Holidays